
Founded by creative director and multi DISCIPLINARY ericka prince.

“ I just want to say a huge thank you to those who are supporting ‘archivE Magazine’. This is a fully self-funded, independent magazine and birthed from the idea of wanting to showcase my own work and the collaboration of those from across the world in the fashion industry, without confirming to one singular discipline. I hope with each issue the ‘archivE’ community will grow and inspire. Our cover resembles that of a filling tab and with each issue the tab will move, the idea is that ARCHIVE IS SOMETHING TO COLLECT, LOOK BACK ON AND KEEP FORVER, therefore you should always be able to find ‘archivE’ in any pile of publications. “

ISSUE 01 ‘Connection of Hair’ is out now.

A huge thank you to those involved and those who support.

Love always,


Email: hello@archivemagazine.co.uk

instagram: @archivemagazine__